To strive for a fair audition process, Duncan Little Theatre will follow this policy in regards to all auditioning and casting activities for all productions.
Duncan Little Theatre auditions are open to anyone who desires to audition. No show will be pre-cast. Duncan Little Theatre will strive to cast those they feel will best suit the role and production with the Director and a panel making the selections. The panel will consist of a minimum of three people. Those people will include the Director and Producer(s), with a combination of a Board member, Assistant Director, Stage manager, Vocal director and Choreographer. Any pre-set combination of these roles may be used for the panel and will remain the same throughout the audition process.
First consideration will be given to those who audition in person. Those who cannot be physically present for auditions are encouraged to submit a live video stream (FaceTime, Facebook Live, etc.) at a prearranged time with the panel. No pre-recorded video submissions will be allowed for auditions. Someone who cannot make the scheduled audition times in person can schedule an alternative audition date if all the panel members are available, but those alternative dates cannot be any earlier than two weeks prior to the auditions.
Callbacks are optional but will be decided upon when the production team sets the audition dates. Callbacks must be in person. In case of an emergency and at the discretion of the panel, an alternative time can be provided.
Duncan Little Theatre will never allow favoritism to be shown at an audition. Every audition will begin from a level playing field.
Duncan Little Theatre will always strive to make the audition process open and polite. Every auditioner will be shown appreciation for their willingness to audition.
Duncan Little Theatre will always present a prepared audition process. Auditioners’ time will always be a consideration.
Duncan Little Theatre will strive to provide timely notification throughout the casting process. All auditioners will be notified as soon as possible regarding casting decisions.